Buying a hous and Icash


New Member
We will buy a house and I wonder how I will write it in Icash

For the example, I will choose a price of 100 000 EUR
Step 1:
I pay an advance of 10% to the owner, i.e 10 000 EUR
Step 2
I pay the residual 90% and I get the property title transfered to me: 90 000 EUR and I get an assets of 100 000 EUR
Loan: 60% of the amount i.e 60 000 EUR

Should I do like this:
New account: "Buy_house" under expense
Current saving account: "My-saving-Account"

Step 1:
My-Saving-Account -> account "Buy_house": 10 000 EUR
Step 2:
New loan account: My_New_Loan
My-Saving-Account -> Account "Buy_house":30 000 EUR
My_New_Loan -> Account "Buy_house":60 000 EUR
New account: "My new house" under assets start value 100 000 EUR

Or should I do the transaction directly to the assets-konto (even if I am not the owner when I paid 10%)?
