Bluehost help with syntax


New Member
hi!! im new and im testing the application looks good, i have read the manual but for now i have a little doubt. bluehost allows only to send 100 emails per hour, and i want to use this program cause outlook express doesnt get faster

these are the things that i want to activate and tell me if my idea its right

I need to send Bcc's email

1.- Set group to 90

2.- set interval to 01:00:00

3.- connections set to 1 (im guessing that in 1 conection i want to send 100 mails right?

and send my email (got an image of 73 kb so its not too heavy)


Staff member
That means you will send 73 Kb to every single recipient. For 100 recipients this is 7.3 Mb, for 1000 it is 73 Mb and so on.