Authentication Errors


New Member
I constantly get server authentication errors. Occasionally part of the mailing list will go through, but usually the whole thing errors.

I have never had this problem in the past.


Staff member
Is it possible you are sending more messages per hour or per day than you are actually allowed? I recommend you to read this page: Sending a message through a server with a daily or an hourly delivery limit.

Most servers will return an error and that error is visible in the MaxBulk Mailer 'Delivery' panel. Other servers may simply stop accepting your connections with an authentication error.

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New Member
The error I get is "Status: Relaying denied error, giving up!"

I have my login and password for my email account entered, esmtp selected as authentication, connections set as "1", and I am only sending 10 emails.

The emails to the same server as my isp ( go through ok. All others fail.