Applescript for exporting


Is it possible, and if so, would anyone have an applescript for exporting a recipient list with all the Opts and with UFT8 encoding? Or something that I could modify or give me a few pointer to writing one.


Staff member
Have you tried to click on MaxBulk Mailer 'Export' button? Isn't that what you are looking for?


Yes it's what I need. But when I do that I have to click on export, choose what fields need to be export, click on the arrow that transfers them into the "exportable" zone, choose whether I want column headers or not, choose the right format, make sure that I choose UTF8 for the encoding, enter the name of the file I want and save it. If I had an Applescript or a Quickeys sequence that did all that in one foul swoop, it would be less laborious, less prone to error and a little time-saver.


Staff member
I guess what you need here is a 'Preset' pull-down menu so you can reuse previous export settings. Would it be useful to you?