1st time user - "unable to route" :(


New Member
Hi! I'm a first time user on Email bounce handler. I've sent out about 4,000 email blast using maxbulk in 2 hrs, however, i've got 2861 bounce back which 2589 are "unable to route" & 28 are "delivery not authorized, message refused."

Can i just simply extract those addresses out and past it to maxbulk and send it again? (esp. for those unable to route)

I'm worry that if i send it to them again, users could somehow receive the EDM twice .. will this happen?

Appreciate your help on this.



Staff member
Yes, you can do that. If those 'unable to route' bounces are hard bounces those recipients haven't received the message and will never do. If they are soft bounces they may receive it later.


New Member
strange ...

Thanks for your reply.

I've put my email address on the email list as well, however, i still couldn't get that email yet and i couldn't find that from the email bounce handler too ... do you know why is that?

And normally, how long will it take for "soft - unable to route" change to "hard - unable to route"? Any way to speed up this process?

And what's the difference between bad address & unknown address? (Both under Hard Type)

Many thanks for your help!


New Member
strange ...

Thanks for your reply.

I've put my email address on the email list as well, however, i still couldn't get that email yet and i couldn't find that from the email bounce handler too ... do you know why is that?

And normally, how long will it take for "soft - unable to route" change to "hard - unable to route"? Any way to speed up this process?

And what's the difference between bad address & unknown address? (Both under Hard Type)

Many thanks for your help!


New Member
"Unable to Route" problem

And .. could you please advice what can cause this problem? So that i can avoid this next time?

Many thanks!


Staff member
It can take up to 5 days for a soft bounce to generate a hard bounce. Usually a server tries to send the message during that time. If it doesn't succeed a hard bounce is sent to you. You can't speed up that process as it doesn't depend on you but on each server on the internet. As a result, do not resend your message to recipients that generated a soft bounce because perhaps the error preventing the message to make its way to the recipient mailbox may be fixed during that 5 days window.